An excellent animated feature, "Waking Life," explores these ideas. As usual, one of the most rewarding cinematic experiences arrived by recommendation -- I rarely see movies unless someone tells me about them. I also rarely recommend them, but this is an exception.

The movie has a great trick for checking the waking/dreaming/lucid state. I will leave it for those who watch to find out. It is the best method I have found yet.

On Saturday, Mar 19, 2005, at 21:24 Asia/Tokyo, Ode Coyote wrote:

How many times can you wake up in one day without going to bed again?
My record is 3 times, so far.  Now that's one weird way to have a day! do I know I'm awake now?
I can't know. I would have to 'wake up' to know...over and over again.
I proved to myself beyond doubt that Thinking I'm awake and experiencing
'being' awake is not the least bit of proof that I 'am' awake.

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