<quote who="Karl Clements">

> Look at the number of idiot computer users windows and mac has given the
> world?

"People who don't give a shit". They're not idiots, they just don't care.

> Linux is not intended as a desktop os, sure the desktop has come a long
> way, but its not there yet. Most of the user friendly gui's (kde, gnome
> come to mind) are too resource hungry to to be any good

KDE and GNOME are *incredible* achievements, and I'd say, good. If you're
not happy with the entire desktop environments they provide, you're still
getting the benefit of the applications provided by these projects.

> and the XF86 is very inefficient.

Hardly true, and many of the "oh so cool" features of other environments are
being hacked on as we speak. If you have a serious issue with it, help out;
profile what you see as 'inefficient', find the areas that need help, submit
bugs. The XFree86 project is far more open now than it ever was, thanks to
people like Jim Gettys and Keith Packard.

> For linux to gain a larger market share X needs to be reworked so its more
> efficient and someone needs to put together a user friendly wm that
> doesn't chew up all your resources. 

Dude, there are hundreds of "user friendly window managers that don't chew
up all your resources". *Hundreds*. Varying degrees of usability, sure. But
they're out there. You don't *have* to use the desktop environments, many
people prefer not to.

XFree86 4 is in a prime position to be "more efficient" (whatever that
means), and any reworking required for this was done between 3.3.6 and the
4.0 releases. Sufficient architectural changes with regards to video
drivers, etc.

> until that happens linux belongs as a server, or as a desktop for someone
> with half a clue.

Please join the queue of pundits itching to prophesize the future of "Linux
on the desktop". Hot air and lack of research combined will never get us

- Jeff

        Web development with PHP is like injecting pure rust with a         
                    high-pressure hose. For pain relief.                    
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