Thanks for the explanation, and I wasn't trying to blame you - just wanted more info is all.

We use Sniffer, but not Appriver. You said that if we don't use Appriver, we shouldn't have been affected, but you also seemed to say that if one of the recipient's of my user's email uses Appriver that might've caused a problem. And also that *some* of Sniffer users might have experienced the problem as well. It sounds like things are still being worked out. I just wanted some kind of verification that they were aware of the problem, were working on it, that they were in some way sorry about what know - the usual stuff. And I know that you are not an official rep of Appriver or anything, but presently you're all we have in that role ;)



Pete McNeil wrote:
Hello Kevin,

Friday, May 18, 2007, 8:52:47 PM, you wrote:

Pete - Thanks for the reply, but I guess I don't understand what you're
saying.  "Some packet loss" and "rulebase downloads to slow down for a
time" don't reflect what happened to me yesterday and apparently not what happened to one of the other posters either when he said that Appriver was having a problem "with sending messages over and over again". I received over (at last count) 35,000 messages (almost all of which were bounced replies, from one email from one of our users who sent an email to about 70 people) yesterday.

And I had already gone to yesterday and there was nothing there. There is nothing there today that I can see.

What happened?  I lost an entire day's worth of email because of bounced
messages. I didn't sleep last night. I don't even use Appriver. I would hope someone could explain it a little better than that. Thanks.

I was answering the question - how is AppRiver related to Message

I don't have specifics on the problem at AppRiver yet - they are still
picking up the pieces, though operations are back to normal afaik. I
do know (preliminarily) that the problem occurred when a new piece of
software caused some messages with multiple recipients to loop and as
a result to be replicated and resent repeatedly.

If you are not a user of AppRiver then you shouldn't have been
effected. Perhaps if you sent a message to someone who is a user of
AppRiver then that might have gotten your messages involved.

The only direct effect I'm aware of for SNF users was that for a time
rulebase downloads were slowed due to packet loss.

Since we use AppRiver for filtering (they, after all are using SNF)
some messages that get sent to us apparently did loop to some lists.
Also, some email to our accounts was delayed.

I would need to know a lot more about your system and the email you
lost before I could make any guesses as to what happened there -- but
if you're not using AppRiver then you shouldn't have been effected.

Hope this helps,


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