On 2013-03-27 17:16, Richard Stupek wrote:
The spikes aren't as prolonged at the present.

Interesting. A short spike like that might be expected if the message was longer than usual, but on average SNF should be very light-weight.

One thing you can check is the performance data in your logs. That will show how much time in cpu milleseconds it is taking for each scan and how long the scans are in bytes. This might shed some light.


Look for something like <p s='10' t='8' l='3294' d='84'/> in each scan.

From the documentation:

<s><p/></s> - Scan Performance Monitoring (performance='yes')
p:s = Setup time in milliseconds
p:t = Scan time in milliseconds
p:l = Scan length in bytes
p:d = Scan depth (peak evaluator count)



Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist
ARM Research Labs, LLC
866-770-1044 x7010

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