>  Have you measured that
> using the MME or the ASIO drivers ? I am tempted to guess that the
> problem manifests only with the MME drivers, ASIO should be immune,
> but, as said, mine is just a guess...
> 73  Alberto  I2PHD

Hi Alberto,

Very nice to hear from you.  Thanks for all you do to help us Hams!!

Get that 1212M plugged in.  You are going to be surprised.  Let me
know if you need the mixer setup file or anything.

Yes, I get the same IQ correction with both ASIO and MME drivers
except the MME doesn't work at 192Ksps.  Here is the results of some
correction and minimum working latency (manual and auto modes tested):

testing done with PowerSDR v1.9.0 sr40                  

        48      96      192
IQ corr 1       2       4

ASIO    Y       Y       Y
Laten   2/auto  >22     2/auto

MME     Y       Y       N
Laten   2/auto  > 22    

        48      96      192
IQ corr 0       0       0

ASIO    N       N       Y
Laten                   2/auto
MME     Y       Y       Y
Laten   2/auto  >22/aut >33

        48      96      192
IQ corr 0       0       0

ASIO    Y       Y       Y
Laten   2/auto  2/auto  2
MME     Y       Y       Y
Laten   2/auto  >22/aut >33

Hope that helps some.

Mike Collins   KF4BQ

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