Was wondering where your voice was Brad!

On 13 March 2014 17:21, Bradley Gabe <witha...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Since the day Autodesk bought Softimage, it's been one cruel joke.  There
>> has literally never been a single "champion" of Softimage at a
>> decision-making level, right?  It's been the red-headed step-child since
>> the moment of the acquisition.
> I'm not sure this statement is entirely true. The senior VP of M&E at the
> time of the purchase was Marc Petite, originally from Softimage and one of
> the driving forces behind the early development of XSI. When he stepped
> down not long ago, I believe he was replaced by Marc Stevens, the former
> president of Softimage at the time of the acquisition.


Chris Marshall
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