Nothing amusing about it, Perry. Just tell them you are using software
they'll find fancy. I have no problem to tell them I'm using Maya if they
think Maya is great. When they're expecting 3D-Animation is produced with
Microsoft Outlook, hell yeah I will tell them I use Outlook. And its true,
I'm using outlook since 15 years :)

[] On Behalf Of Perry Harovas
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: Digital Golem : Brillant and beautiful


OK Paul, now you almost cost me a monitor, because I just did a spit-take
and barely missed spraying my monitor with the water I was drinking!

At least I am getting some good laughs out of this, mixed in with the
depression and anger. Thanks Paul!






On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Bk <> wrote:

Perry, if you're on subscription, you'll get a copy of Maya anyway. If the
clients come in. Just "send to maya" and look busy.

On 19 Mar 2014, at 20:50, Perry Harovas <> wrote:

Hi Sven,


I understand what you are saying, and there are aspects of it that I agree
with 100%.

For instance, you are totally correct with the statement that old tools can
still create great work.


Of course they can, and the analogy you created was perfect.


What I disagree with is that clients don't really know or care about the

They actually know almost nothing, except the name "Maya". When you say
"Softimage" they do look skeptical, yes,

but if the work is good, they don't care that much. However, now that
Softimage is EOL, they will see that (many, many of them look up what
software is "standard"

and many also ask around to producer friends they know. When they mention
Softimage now, it will instill fear, not faith. They may know next to
nothing about the software,

but when they look into it (and they will), they will all of the sudden
become scared.


The other thing is that the last sentence you wrote gave me pause.

5 years in this business is an eternity.


We will be lucky to get 2 years out of it with things starting to change
enough that it will become a problem much after that.


No we don't NEED the newest updates, but often there are updates that make
us able to compete with others who would be using non-EOL software.

Things that will make it harder over time, not a long amount of time, to do
what we do.


I say 2 - 3 years at the most.


Really non of us knows for sure, of course.

All I know is that I won't be hanging all I have on Autodesk to find out.




On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:44 PM, Sven Constable <>

I'm angry as every Softimage user but maybe I can help to tamper your anger
down.  My english is not so good to express my intentions in depth but maybe
it comes through somehow.


CG and 3D animation in general is not different from other businesses. It's
all about perception. If a company produces clothes, they will not succeed
by using the newest machines to  make the cloth. In fact they can produce on
old machines and child labour to produce a Levi's jeans. The market will see
it as high quality because of the name and the output they will create with
any machinery they use.

Clients usually have no clue about 3D-Animation software in depth'and they
really don't care most of the times. I had conversations with clients and
they asked about the software I use. I told them I was using XSI (that was a
few years ago when we used that term). They didn't had any idea what 'that
XSI software' was all about and they seemed sceptical. Then I told them,
it's 'Softimage'. They instantly changed their minds, recogniced the name
and they were happy. :) Of course that will not work forever. 


What I really want to say is, that words do the damage to us. Words like
'EOL'.  It's a killer! Its like telling someone he has bad breath. We were
able to produce top notch 3D-animation four weeks ago. Now someone says a
software is EOL and that should be the reason no one can produce anything
with it?

Lots of small studios, solo freelancers and even medium sized companys
producing their animations with software from several years ago. It's a
misconception, that we desperatly *need* every new fancy feature and the
newest version of a software. Surely it's different for the big companies,
but they have their own inhouse tools anyway.  In fact even having those
inhouse tools like Vodoo (and that seems to be something that AD will not
remotly  be able to develop in the next 10 years), it doesn't  prevent them
from going bankrupt.

Of course they're other reasons for the VFX business situation in the US
than that, but using newest software didn't help them.

Somehow I think we are more concerned about a software than the actual work.
Do you need Bifröst do be in the business? Do you really need an
edge-loop-fancy-magnet function to do 3D-animation? 

There are so many workarounds, especially in Softimage so that we are not
have to rely on a specific software or version.  At least not for the next
five years and thats a long time.





[] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: Digital Golem : Brillant and beautiful



Our pipeline is Softimage->Arnold->Nuke and despite all the turmoil I can
tell you I have no intention whatsoever to change that in the near future.

It works, it works well, and nothing else right now can touch it.


So Autodesk can shove their “innovation” right back up their collective arse
and choke on it -- as far as I’m concerned they’ve just killed a member of
my family.

Exactly right.
Trying to keep my anger tamped down.






On 19 Mar 2014, at 04:39, Tenshi Sama <> wrote:



Nice! All in Softimage?


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 8:18 PM, Francisco Criado <>

Excelent work, so nice! 

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014, olivier jeannel <> wrote:

Kudos to Digital Golem !






Perry Harovas
Animation and Visual Effects




Perry Harovas
Animation and Visual Effects


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