How are you finding your new found Houdini knowledge to be fitting into the
needs of the marketplace? Are there many shops adopting it? Or are you a
lone wolf or able to turnkey shots for people? I too have found Maya
unintuitive and uninspiring. Houdini looks interesting but I'm wary of
jumping on something that I'll never get to use. Unlike many of you here, I
am in a small market so there aren't many 3D jobs to go around.

On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 3:49 PM, Simon Reeves <> wrote:

> I always worry that Houdini is not such a friendly app to be used as
> a 'backbone' as you (Jordi) phrase it.
> But I'm basing that on the logic that most of our 3d artists will HAVE to
> use it, but that's not really the case...
> I've started to settle into the idea that maya is OK for being the
> base, (after some love) so perhaps this is the moment I need to give
> Houdini a proper look before I fall down into the abyss of Maya.
> On Tuesday, 17 March 2015, Jordi Bares Dominguez <>
> wrote:
>> That certainly is a great approach but even better is if you go in the
>> other direction, use Houdini as the backbone and render from
>> Mantra/Arnold/Octane/PRMan/3Dlight/whatever as the FX live inside Houdini
>> and therefore it is the natural backbone.
>> Ultimately you will be using a myriad of tools that will funnel “dumb”
>> cached data (just baked geometry, particles with attributes and little
>> more) to Houdini and from there you are free to assemble your scenes as you
>> need to.
>> Furthermore, if you need to scale you will find Houdini excels at that so
>> imho it is a no brainer.
>> hope it helps
>> jb
>> On 17 Mar 2015, at 18:15, Manuel Huertas Marchena <>
>> wrote:
>> I am wondering if any of you guys working in film use houdini for digital
>> asset production, or is it still more of a fx tool for most part? (having
>> said that I do realize that houdini is not and end to end solution or
>> all kinds of assets, but still I feel that there is a lot of stuff that
>> could/can be created using  a procedural approach,
>> ex: buildings, concept modeling, snow, rocks, trees, props...etc..)
> --
> Simon Reeves
> London, UK
> * <>*
> * <>*
> * <>*

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