like this?

On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 3:10 AM, Morten Bartholdy <>

> Since this is a place where the few remaining sane people in the world
> reside, I would like to hear if anyone knows of a comprehensible tutorial
> on the mess Maya calls Extrude?
> I have the (almost) simplest scenario which would take all of 10 seconds
> to do in XSI, but our Maya artists can only do it after 10 minutes of
> fiddling, and I seem unable to replicate it (the first one gave up(!))
> even though I wrote the procedure(!) down.
> I have a profile curve and a path curve. I want to extrude the profile
> curve on the path curve, so the resulting geometry is positioned with the
> path curve down the center spine.
> This seems like an unsurmountable task in Maya but I just saw it done.
> What seems to be the case is you (really) have to oblige the Maya way of
> doing things and yet, following my quickly scribbled notes, this still
> fails. Either the resulting geometry is not positioned at the path or the
> cross sections on the geometry is scewed, or both....
> I could do it in XSI and be done i 2 minutes, but really want to learn to
> use Maya for big and small things alike, and thinking many of you have come
> across this scenario and found out the do's and dont's I was hoping some of
> you could offer advice or point me to a comprehensible tutorial on the
> subject. The Maya documentation is as usual almost of no use, and the
> tutorials I have found don't really seem to cover this scenario - they are
> usually quite spcific on one particular workflow which does not apply.
> Please, and thanks!
> Morten
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