Basically, it's 'component pivot', 'use profile normal' 'fixed path' and 'tube' 
as extrude type. Difference against all normal 3d apps is,  that Maya considers 
SRT of cross-section too, and there is option to have a custom pivot of cross 
section... and to make things even more complicated, it tries to adjust the 
custom pivot in advance, if ''component pivot'' is used as initial option.Let's 
say safe-and-feasible option could be a cross-section already centered at world 
zero (SRT *and* components) before doing anything related to extrusion. Or, to 
play with custom pivot (somewhere in ''extrude'' options), later.
Unfortunately this is not only case of unbelievably over complicated mix of 
transforms in Maya, *and* unbelievably partial and different GUI 'helpers' in 
Maya who's making even more confusion. Let's say another 'beauty' is Maya 
Cluster deformer.
If you already tried to build any kind of custom deformer in ICE or something 
similar,  instead of tutorial, I think it's possible to predict Maya behavior 
is such cases, by kind of ''reversed feasibility'' - just try to imagine a most 
idiotic method for controlling the your deformer -  that could be ''official'' 
Maya option.
By the way, there are other 3d apps on planet with really nice options like 
automatic piping and so, able to describe everything you need (and more) in one 
small toolbar, like Blender or 3d Studio Max. Maya can animate, and that's all 
about Maya.

      From: Morten Bartholdy <>
 To: "Userlist, Softimage" <> 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 1, 2017 11:11 AM
 Subject: OT - Maya extrusion explained?
Since this is a place where the few remaining sane people in the world reside, 
I would like to hear if anyone knows of a comprehensible tutorial on the mess 
Maya calls Extrude?

I have the (almost) simplest scenario which would take all of 10 seconds to do 
in XSI, but our Maya artists can only do it after 10 minutes of fiddling, and I 
seem unable to replicate it (the first one gave up(!))
even though I wrote the procedure(!) down.

I have a profile curve and a path curve. I want to extrude the profile curve on 
the path curve, so the resulting geometry is positioned with the path curve 
down the center spine.

This seems like an unsurmountable task in Maya but I just saw it done. What 
seems to be the case is you (really) have to oblige the Maya way of doing 
things and yet, following my quickly scribbled notes, this still fails. Either 
the resulting geometry is not positioned at the path or the cross sections on 
the geometry is scewed, or both....

I could do it in XSI and be done i 2 minutes, but really want to learn to use 
Maya for big and small things alike, and thinking many of you have come across 
this scenario and found out the do's and dont's I was hoping some of you could 
offer advice or point me to a comprehensible tutorial on the subject. The Maya 
documentation is as usual almost of no use, and the tutorials I have found 
don't really seem to cover this scenario - they are usually quite spcific on 
one particular workflow which does not apply.

Please, and thanks!

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