Yeah, was just getting to the point with ICE where I felt I could creatively 
solve most production problems.

It was really amazing for the final tweak phases of a project, where clients 
would pixel f@$k with simulations. I was converting my particle sims into 
geometry in order to tweak sim paths using deformers and envelopes, precise 
control without losing that simulation feel. I miss that creative satisfaction.

> On May 12, 2018, at 11:00 AM, Alan Fregtman <> wrote:
> I read less and less but like Francois, I lurk over the subject lines from 
> time to time. :)
> How's everyone doing? I for one stopped rigging in Softimage and decided to 
> focus full-time on Python pipeline work where I jump around in Maya, Nuke and 
> sometimes Houdini.
> I still miss ICE dearly.

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