On Feb 1, 2011, at 4:22 PM, David Hankins wrote:
> Thank you, I will wait a bit and see how Ted responds before making any 
> changes.  For the moment we have what is hopefully a compromise between a 
> two-person consensus.

You specify "MUST" when you want the implementation to enforce the behavior.   
We do not want implementations to have to support option-specific behavior.   
Hence, we should not use MUST.

However, this is not to say that implementations receiving these options should 
be required to deal with erroneous results; it's simply that the server should 
be allowed to return extra data if it's configured to do so; the consumer of 
the data (not the DHCP client, which is merely a transport mechanism for the 
data) should be responsible for making sense of it, or rejecting it if the 
server was configured to send something bogus.

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