So you want to be able to sort by the "number of likes" value for a

What version of Solr are you using? How many posts do you have?

There's a neat feature in Solr 5.2.1 (I'm pretty sure it is there, not
5.3) called score joins. Using that you can have two cores, one
containing your posts, and another containing your likes.

You cannot *sort* on these values, but you can include your likes into
the score, which might even be better.

If this sounds good, I can dig up some syntax for such a query.


On Tue, Sep 1, 2015, at 10:36 AM, sara hajili wrote:
> hi.
> at first i.m sorry for my bad english!
> i have a social app.i want to use solr for searching in this app.
> i have many document (in my case people text that posted on my social
> app).
> and i indexed this.
> but i'm have 1 issue and it is :
> i have very doc(post) and they have a property "like" is it  good
> approach
> to index like count (people can like eachother post in my social app)?
> likecount change more and more in one day.(so as i know it must be set
> dynamic field)
> and if i indexed it ,i think  it costs alot , to update and index
> likecount
> more and more even i use bach update.
> so is it approach to didn't index one field in solr but i could sort my
> search result according to that unindexed field?
> tnx

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