Hi Per,

well, Solr has no "Update"-Method like a RDBMS. It is a re-insert of the
whole document. Therefore a document with an existing UniqueKey marks
the old document as deleted and inserts the new one.
However this is not the whole story, since this "constraint" only works
per index/SolrCore/Shard (depending on your use-case).

Does this help you?

Kind regards,

Am 23.02.2012 15:34, schrieb Per Steffensen:
> Em skrev:
>> Hi Per,
>> Solr provides the so called "UniqueKey"-field.
>> Refer to the Wiki to learn more:
>> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/UniqueKey
> Belive the uniqueKey does not enforce a "unique key constraint", so that
> you are not allowed to create a document with an id's when an document
> with the same id already exists. So it is not the whole solution.
>>> Optimistic locking (versioning)
>> ... is not provided by Solr out of the box. If you add a new document
>> with the same UniqueKey it replaces the old one.
>> You have to do the versioning on your own (and keep in mind concurrent
>> updates).
>> Kind regards,
>> Em
>> Am 21.02.2012 13:50, schrieb Per Steffensen:
>>> Hi
>>> Does solr/lucene provide any mechanism for "unique key constraint" and
>>> "optimistic locking (versioning)"?
>>> Unique key constraint: That a client will not succeed creating a new
>>> document in solr/lucene if a document already exists having the same
>>> value in some field (e.g. an id field). Of course implemented right, so
>>> that even though two or more threads are concurrently trying to create a
>>> new document with the same value in this field, only one of them will
>>> succeed.
>>> Optimistic locking (versioning): That a client will only succeed
>>> updating a document if this updated document is based on the version of
>>> the document currently stored in solr/lucene. Implemented in the
>>> optimistic way that clients during an update have to tell which version
>>> of the document they fetched from Solr and that they therefore have used
>>> as a starting-point for their updated document. So basically having a
>>> version field on the document that clients increase by one before
>>> sending to solr for update, and some code in Solr that only makes the
>>> update succeed if the version number of the updated document is exactly
>>> one higher than the version number of the document already stored. Of
>>> course again implemented right, so that even though two or more thrads
>>> are concurrently trying to update a document, and they all have their
>>> updated document based on the current version in solr/lucene, only one
>>> of them will succeed.
>>> Or do I have to do stuff like this myself outside solr/lucene - e.g. in
>>> the client using solr.
>>> Regards, Per Steffensen

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