Em skrev:
Hi Per,

well, Solr has no "Update"-Method like a RDBMS. It is a re-insert of the
whole document. Therefore a document with an existing UniqueKey marks
the old document as deleted and inserts the new one.
Yes I understand. But it is not always what I want to acheive. I want an error to occur if a document with the same id already exists, when my intent is to INSERT a new document. When my intent is to UPDATE a document in solr/lucene I want the old document already in solr/lucene deleted and the new version of this document added (exactly as you explain). It will not be possible for solr/lucene to decide what to do unless I give it some information about my intent - whether it is INSERT or UPDATE semantics I want. I guess solr/lucene always give me INSERT sematics when a document with the same id does not already exist, and that it always give me UPDATE semantics when a document with the same id does exist? I cannot decide?
However this is not the whole story, since this "constraint" only works
per index/SolrCore/Shard (depending on your use-case).
Yes I know. But with the right routing strategy based on id's I will be able to acheive what I want if the feature was just there per index/core/shard.
Does this help you?
Yes it helps me getting sure, that what I am looking for is not there. There is not built-in way to make solr/lucene give me an error if I try to insert a new document with an id equal to a document already in the index/core/shard. The existing document will always be updated (implemented as "old deleted and new added"). Correct?
Kind regards,
Regards, Per Steffensen

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