Hi Per,

> I want an error to occur if a document with the same id already
> exists, when my intent is to INSERT a new document. When my intent is
> to UPDATE a document in solr/lucene I want the old document already
> in solr/lucene deleted and the new version of this document added
> (exactly as you explain). It will not be possible for solr/lucene to
> decide what to do unless I give it some information about my intent -
> whether it is INSERT or UPDATE semantics I want. I guess solr/lucene
> always give me INSERT sematics when a document with the same id does
> not already exist, and that it always give me UPDATE semantics when a
> document with the same id does exist? I cannot decide?

Given that you've set a uniqueKey-field and there already exists a
document with that uniqueKey, it will delete the old one and insert the
new one. There is really no difference between the semantics - updates
do not exist.
To create a UNIQUE-constraint as you know it from a database you have to
check whether a document is already in the index *or* whether it is
already pending (waiting for getting flushed to the index).
Fortunately Solr manages a so called pending-set with all those
documents waiting for beeing flushed to disk (Solr 3.5).
I think you have to write your own DirectUpdateHandler to achieve what
you want on the Solr-level or to extend Lucenes IndexWriter to do it on
the Lucene-Level.

While doing so, keep track of what is going on in the trunk and how
Near-Real-Time-Search will change the current way of handling updates.

> There is not built-in way to make solr/lucene give me an error if I
> try to insert a new document with an id equal to a document already
> in the index/core/shard. The existing document will always be updated
> (implemented as "old deleted and new added"). Correct?

If you really want to get your hands on that topic I suggest you to
learn more about Lucene's IndexWriter:


Kind Regards,

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