On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 11:29:25AM +0100, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> Are we still speaking about nightly builds? Now I only care about final  
> release that way that I do not want to break process of final release.
> Ok. So make the question straight:
> Will I break something in your rel-eng realm, if I start building  
> testing packages (like  
> SatConfig-installer-3.24.4-1.git.a352eaab737b87fd46849a6e982c096aa99cc636.src.rpm)
> in  dist-5E-sw-0.4-candidate?

You are likely to break the nightly repos for other people. The
developer / maintainer of SatConfig-installer had a reason not to
his/her changes that are there on top of SatConfig-installer-3.24.4-1.
Why not wait till the developer / maintainer is confident with the
code and then build from new tag that he/she will create?

Jan Pazdziora
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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