Yes you can, you don't need to re-register clients as long as new server
has the same fqdn & the same key,
here what I use to work with DB:

export PGPASSWORD="rhnpw"
pg_dump --username=rhnuser -w rhnschema > /tmp/db.sql

createdb -E UTF8 rhnschema
createlang plpgsql rhnschema
createlang pltclu rhnschema
yes $PGPASSWORD | createuser -P -sDR rhnuser
psql -e -d  rhnschema -f /tmp/db.sql

So you just need to follow this man

Save all directories, install sp on new server & then copy & restore db,
don't forget to use the same postgres version, or you'll get problems.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 9:24 AM, Daryl Rose <> wrote:

> I am actually leaning to moving to a physical server.  I have a server in
> the closet that is dual CPU, 8 core, 64GB of RAM.  I was originally
> thinking that it was a bit of over kill, but after reading this reply,
> perhaps its sized correctly.
> If I do move to a physical, can I migrate everything from the original SW
> server to the replacement server?  Can I export the database and import it
> over?  Migrate repositories over?  I am using a signed certificates, and
> I would like to continue using the same machine name and configuration.  Do
> I have to re-register these servers?  Its taken me a while to get 465 added
> in, and I don't want to have to re-register everything, especially since I
> continue adding on a daily bases.
> Thanks
> Daryl
> ------------------------------
> *From:* <spacewalk-list-bounces@
>> on behalf of Konstantin Raskoshnyi <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:43 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Spacewalk-list] How to improve WUI performance
> You need bare metal high performance machine.
> We have 400 machines and use xeon7 24cores with 64 of ram.
> Plus tuning: Postgres, Linux, tomcat
> On Thursday, October 13, 2016, Daryl Rose <> wrote:
>> I have 465 servers in my SW environment, and I keep adding more
>> everyday.  When finished, I'll have nearly a thousand servers in the
>> environment.
>> My SW server is a virtual RHEL 6.6, SW v2.3.  I have four CPU's and four
>> Gigs of memory allocated to the server.
>> Whenever I select "Systems" from the main menu a single CPU pegs at 100%,
>> and it takes several minutes for the page to come up.  It appears that
>> osa-dispatcher is what is using up the CPU.  osa-dispatcher is often at 99
>> to 100%.
>> Is there  a way to performance tune SW?  Can I configure SW to use all
>> four CPU's, or should I add additional CPU's, can configure SW to use all
>> assigned CPU's?
>> Thanks
>> Daryl
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