Mark Eichin schrieb:
> On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 6:50 PM, Max Battcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 2) The person I'm debating with has said that on dumb terminals
>> sphinx-build outputs ANSI where it is not appropriate and thus produces
>> unreadable output.  Should I ask him to clarify how he tested this or
>> should I make the suggestion that sphinx-build test its environment
>> before outputting color sequences?  (Personally, I like the colors, but
>> this person says that dumb terminals and colorless-ttys are common in
>> his build environment.)
> I filed that as a debian bug (#501629 but it looks like #503053 is
> also similar) and it was marked forwarded (here?) already.  it's easy
> enough to test - just use m-x compile in emacs to run any of the
> sphinx commandline tools, and notice that they're full of garbage :-)
> I suggested a few possible fixes.  It's definitely a bug (fortunately
> there's the -N workaround.)  It's not a matter of liking color or not,
> it's a matter of what you get when you don't have it....

I fully agree with you. I've already fixed this on trunk. Color is now only
applied if $COLORTERM is set, or $TERM contains "xterm" or "color". Most
terminals supporting color I've looked at work with this spec.


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