The Problem:

Many new users (especially university students taking a "database 101"
class) download the "sqlite3.exe" file from the SQLite website,
double-click on the "sqlite3" icon to get a command-line shell, then start
typing SQL statements.  But when they exit the shell, they are distressed
to discover that their database has disappeared.

Proposed Change To Address The Problem:

When launching sqlite3.exe with a double-click, have it open a standard
database in a standard place instead of an in-memory database as you would
get when launching sqlite3.exe with no arguments.  Possibly also give
additional hints, such as references to the ".open" command, when launching
by double-click.

(1) Detect double-click launch by looking at argc and argv.  On a
double-click launch, argc==1 and argv[0] contains the full pathname of the
executable.  On a command-line launch, argv[0] contains whatever the user
typed, which is usually not the full pathname

(2) This change would be for Windows only.  The code to implement it would
be enclosed in #ifdef _WIN32 ... #endif

(3) Announce the name of the "standard" database file in the banner.


(4) What should the name of the "standard" database file be?

(5) In what folder should the "standard" database file be created?

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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