rdeckard wrote: 
> I have now performed the following scans:
> - Full scan after stopping the server and running the cache folder
> cleanup option.
> - Clear library and rescan everything.
> - Look for new and changed media files.
> Each time the scan finished successfully with NO errors in the server
> log, but more importantly, the server is no longer longer stopping when
> a scan completes! :cool:
> Hopefully my scheduled 4am rescan will complete in the same fashion.
> Everything is pointing to one or both of those plugins, or at least to
> the files mentioned in the errors.
> However, I am 100% certain that those files have been there for years,
> so something must have changed on the server side.
> I can't pinpoint exactly when or why this started happening, but as I
> have no need for those plugins, problem solved!

I hope you have sorted this....I have suffered a few months back too -
needing to restart the LMS service on my WHS2011 daily.  I did loads and
loads of stuff, and never got to the bottom of it....with a new
controller being suspected, along with my Denon AVR "network always on"
being a concern when mains powering off.

But I use a Touch with the wallpaper to display images....and I'm going
to see if those plugins were the root cause.  Many thanks for posting...

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