rdeckard wrote: 
> https://www.tapatalk.com/topic/813-logitech-squeezebox/106285-squeezecenter-stops-working
> My server was stopped again tonight and when I looked in the list of
> active plugins, Picture Gallery was back as, well as the same errors in
> the server log.
> Interesting that this post mentions all radios playing on their own as
> well.
> Unfortunately, there is no real solution mentioned in that thread. I
> also cannot even find where I set those paths to begin with.
> Either way, how would I go about removing the plugin all together?

I am still trying to get to the bottom of mine, very busy lately.

Do you have a Touch?  You may need to disable screen savers (3 off) of
any of them are calling for the plugin from the unit.  I ended up
defaulted my Touch to make sure....

I assume you have disabled the plugin and rebooted the LMS?

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