rdeckard wrote: 
> [16-12-27 04:00:45.8235] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1244) Warning:
> [04:00:45.8233] Image::Scale libjpeg error: Corrupt JPEG data: premature
> end of data segment (D:\Pictures\Wallpaper\dayonewalkaway_1600.jpg)
> [16-12-27 04:00:57.6483] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1244) Warning:
> [04:00:57.6481] fixed-point overflow: -882900575 -1148876803 -1579568747
> 1044480
> [16-12-27 04:00:57.6602] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1244) Warning:
> [04:00:57.6601] fixed-point overflow: -297986688 -610626176 -1112041088
> 1044480
> [16-12-27 04:00:57.6706] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1244) Warning:
> [04:00:57.6705] Perl interpreter failed at
> /<C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\SqueezeSvr.exe>Slim/Utils/GDResizer.pm
> line 165.
> [16-12-30 07:21:49.8638] main::init (384) Starting Logitech Media Server
> (v7.9.0, 1482423225, Thu Dec 22 16:20:05 CUT 2016) perl 5.014001 -
> MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
These errors mean that LMS's image processing code (Image::Scale, to be
precise) barfs at a damaged image file (possibly
dayonewalkaway_1600.jpg, or a subsequent one)

> I've been installing the nightly builds pretty religiously for the past
> year or so and things have been fine up until the past couple of
> months.
Most likely you added a corrupt image somewhere withing the included
search paths at this time, causing the crash.

> What is most odd about this is that the the paths indicated in the
> messages above are not defined ANYWHERE in my library or elsewhere that
> I can see.
The Picture Gallery/Image Browser plugins read images outside of the
regular LMS library. After uninstalling them, the offending image is no
longer processed by LMS (since it's not a cover/artist image, which are
included in the regular scans)

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