I have wondered this for a while....

I am running LMS two seperate pcp systems, with the pcp configured as a
server only, USB HDD's contain the library. Players are the usual touch,
boom, radio, receivers...The two systems are located 250 miles apart,
one at home, one in a cabin. I want to make them identical so I mirror
the library, and backup and mirror favorites.opml using a seperate HDD I
take back and forth. I don't do it over the web as most of the power is
shut down at one location while we are at the other.

I also had trouble upgrading from LMS 7.2 to 7.3, so I just did a new SD
with LMS 8.0, and copied over favorites, but of course I had to rebuild
plugins, repositories, setting, etc. I also found I had lost my podcasts
(but there weren't many).

I realize much of the "prefs" folder is going to be unique to each
version of LMS (right?), but I am wondering, are their subfolders or
other files that will port, and are version independent (similar to
favorites)? It would be great if I could preserve any of:

Other settings, for example, the display format of my boom - e.g. Song
(Artist), small VU, etc.

Even if there is a way to export to a text file, that I could reference
if I have to rebuild, that's a start. 



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