On 20 March 2017 at 22:04, Florian Schmaus <f...@geekplace.eu> wrote:
> On 20.03.2017 22:32, Dave Cridland wrote:
>> Loosely, this is OK, but, in order:
>> 1) Section 6 must go. I don't believe that the XSF has the required
>> expertise to adequately review a SASL mechanism. I'm saying this
>> without commenting on the mechanism described in Section 6. This needs
>> to go through the IETF (this document can reference any particular
>> SASL mechanism for MTI it likes, including this one). The right
>> working group is - probably - Kitten, though traditionally XMPP itself
>> works through the ART area, and we might want to give an ART AD or two
>> a heads-up. This issue is a blocker for me.
> Section 6. was written in mind being probably factored out. So I'm happy
> to bring this to the IETF. Anyone who wants to shepherd me?

I'm confident we can find a shepherd, but I can do that if we need
one. (Assuming you actually do mean a Document Shepherd).

Incidentally, I think a token-based SASL mechanism might be generally
useful; Surevine could use one if it existed, certainly. It's useful
to have a device-specific token which can then be managed and/or
revoked, independent of ISR - this implies a multiple-use token rather
than a single-use one, however. I have a vague feeling that something
based around a fusion of HOTP and YAP might yield something that
satisfies this. If you're open to the idea, I'll outline a quick

> What is MTI?

"Mandatory To Implement". (But not to deploy).

>> 2) I don't think §5.2.3 is right - I don't think ISR should be placing
>> any requirements on the upper layer. You might think - correctly -
>> that a server requiring 2FA on a resume is not behaving very sensibly,
>> but I don't think it's behaving in a way that would cause
>> interoperability problems.
> I'm sorry, but I'm confused (maybe it is already to late for me :)). You
> mean ISR should not allow 2FA on resume? Why not? Care to elaborate what
> you mean with "placing any requirements on the upper layer"? If ISR is
> based on SASL2, why shouldn't it also support <continue/> XEP-0388 § 2.6.3?

No, I mean the reverse. §5.2.3 says:

Performing instant stream resumption using multiple SASL mechanisms
MUST only be done if the 'without-isr-token' attribute is set to

I took that to mean, "Servers MUST NOT use <continue/> if the
without-isr-token attribute is set to true".

>> 3) My usual distaste for the made-up term "Nonza" remains. Given you
>> clearly understood XEP-0388, which does not use the term, I remain
>> mystified as to its purpose.
> I tired to motivate a clear definition for Nonzas in XEP-0360 § 1. and
> like to point out that I receive many positive feedback for doing so. I
> also note that I asked for suggestions for the exact term back then.

I don't think it needs (and has ever needed) a single word term. Most
of the time, "element" suffices.

> Anyway, I assume that 3) is no blocker for you?

Neither (3) nor (2) are blockers - that is I won't use my veto, though
I'll continue to argue against both.

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