
There are several ways that you could go about this. There is extended
stanza addressing, "https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0033.html which lets
you add additional addresses to a stanza. It's very bare-boned though. A
more elaborate option would revolve around creating multi-user chat rooms,
as defined in https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html. A more specific,
support desk oriented specification exists for that in the form of

Hope this helps!



On 18 September 2017 at 15:19, vaibhav singh <vaibhavsinghac...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Today I was having a chat with a colleague who is working on certain XMPP
> related usecases. As neither he nor I am not much familiar with XMPP we
> need help with a particular usecase he is stuck at:
> *Usecase: Customer Support implementation requires messages to and from
> one JID (think "c...@abc.com <c...@abc.com>") to be sent to/received from
> multiple support guys (think "s...@abc.com <s...@abc.com>", "s...@abc.com
> <s...@abc.com>" etc), all of whom are registered users on an XMPP server,
> with their own separate JIDs.*
> Any message to "custo...@abc.com" should be redirected to one and only
> one of the support guys, and not to anyone else.
> I found *XEP-0280: Message Carbons* which seemed promising but
> unfortunately  deals with one user having multiple resources, and (at a
> first glance) seems to naively broadcast the same message to all resources
> of one user.
> Is there any RFC/XEP which my colleague could refer to? Is it even
> possible? If not, how do you propose we target this usecase?
> Regards,
> Vaibhav Singh
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