I've just been looking at the current state of things. This is looking very
good, Ted!

Other comments interspersed.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Husted" <archive@jab.org>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: Updating Site for Struts 1.1

> > Hmm, not sure about that. One thing to remember is that the XML files
> > to generate the library references are also used to generate the TLD
> > so I'm not sure how much flexibility there is there. However, if it's
> > doable, I think that's fine.
> I did one, the bean library, but left the rest. Let me know if you think
> its working out.
> I really didn't do anything but paste it into a <section> element, so
> maybe there's a way we could just include it dynamically when the
> document is rendered.

I think it looks OK. The heading sequence at the top of the page looks a bit
odd, but I'm sure we can improve on that later. The main thing is that we
preserve the notion of a single source that generates both the TLD and the
documentation, so that they are always in lock step.

> > Also, the library guides are currently part of the JavaDoc for each
> > package, and I think that's a good place for it. The current links from
> > Struts home page are just links into the JavaDoc.
> Well, that started off as an expediency (I think I remember the phrase
> "for good or ill").
> I'd simply suggest that we be consistent. If we are going to put vital,
> high-level documentation there for the tag libraries, then we should
> follow suit for the other packages. Or vice-versa.

Having looked at what you've done so far, I'll reverse my opinion on this.
:-) Incorporating the package information into the body of the user guide
looks like the right way to go.

> > Where would the taglib references go for the nightly builds? I think
> > important to have those available on the web site for those who are
> > with the nightly builds.
> I'd like to see if we can suck the taglib references into the User's
> Guide, and carry it there. We can make this the 1.1 Users Guide, and be
> careful to point out the changes from 1.0 to 1.1, so it can be
> dual-purpose.

Adding the references to the User's Guide sounds (and looks) fine. However,
I'm not clear on whether you mean having two User's Guides (one for 1.0 and
one for 1.1), or one (combining both). If the former, we'll need a link to
the 1.1 version under Current Development. If the latter, we'll need a
'since' indicator for both tags and attributes (which may be what you are
referring to below).

> I've also added @since Javadocs to the 1.1 source, and done the same
> with the Tag Library references. I haven't updated the stylesheet for
> this yet, but did put in the <since> tags, and the hacked a [since]
> comment in by hand, just to move it along.
> > Regarding the version of the next interim release (since you mentioned
> > in the menu above :-) ), I thought we were calling it 1.0.1, rather than
> > 1.01? The latter seems potentially confusing to me, since 1.01 seems a
> > little too close to 1.1.
> I believe I've always called it 1.01, but don't actually care one way or
> the other.

I'd prefer to go with 1.0.1, since this is consistent with the version
numbering scheme used in other Jakarta subprojects such as Tomcat and

> -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
> -- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
> -- Tel +1 716 737-3463
> -- http://www.husted.com/about/struts/

Martin Cooper

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