David Graham wrote:

> The struts-config_1_1.dtd file starts with this line:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> which I think is incorrect.  DTDs aren't xml documents so 
> they shouldn't start with that processing instruction.  
> I'm not an XML expert but Sun's DTDs don't have this line 
> in them and it causes Opera to complain about xml 
> parsing errors when trying to view it.

You are correct. DTDs are not XML documents, and are processed quite differently. It 
is because of this and other reasons that schemas were proposed and made a 
recommendation by the W3C. Schemas serve a similar purpose to DTDs, but are themselves 
XML documents.

This explains the difference between the two: http://www.ucc.ie/xml/#schemas

In short, the PI should be removed from the DTD, and Opera's parser was correct to 
complain about it.

-= James

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