You will need to get used to schemas tho'. If you have a look at the draft
2.4 servlet spec, they now use a schema instead of a dtd for web.xml.

It's a pity that digester doesn't yet work with registering schema's
(only DTD's) - although you can set a schema.

James Childers wrote:
>David Graham wrote:
>> The struts-config_1_1.dtd file starts with this line:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
>> which I think is incorrect.  DTDs aren't xml documents so
>> they shouldn't start with that processing instruction.
>> I'm not an XML expert but Sun's DTDs don't have this line
>> in them and it causes Opera to complain about xml
>> parsing errors when trying to view it.
>You are correct. DTDs are not XML documents, and are processed quite
differently. It is because of this and other >reasons that schemas were
proposed and made a recommendation by the W3C. Schemas serve a similar
purpose to DTDs, but >are themselves XML documents.
>This explains the difference between the two:
>In short, the PI should be removed from the DTD, and Opera's parser was
correct to complain about it.
>-= James

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