
To give you a technical answer: Kinda.

If there was a way for JSTL to reach in and grab the info that the nested tags
are holding (IE Pass the contents of <nested:writeNesting />) then I don't
think you would need Nested-EL.  Or, if all of the nested tags worked like
<nested:write /> where it assumes you are trying to get the latest nested:nest

I want to do <nested:select> but the select requires a property.  Which the
best way for me to specify would be EL, because I don't always know what the
name of the property is going to be.

So, the plan is to pass in the name of the property through <jsp:param> which
EL can then grab: 
<nested-el:select property="${param.fieldName}">

Alternatives are welcome...


Quoting David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Back in September, David Karr was threatening to do Tiles-EL and
> > Nested-EL.  I
> > see that the Tiles-EL has been committed, sweet.  Nested-EL seems to be
> > missing.  David, have you started working on Nested-EL?  If so, how far
> > off is
> > it from being complete?  If not, do you have any tips, because I am
> > getting
> > started on it tonight.
> Doesn't the EL replace the need for a nested tag library?  Isn't the EL
> syntax easier than using nested tags?  I haven't used Nested but it seems
> like a Nested-EL is redundant.
> David
> > 
> > Carl
> > 
> > 
> > 
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