If I culod sepll this mghit mkae snese.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chen, Gin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 3:09 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: JavaServer Faces

See.. Anyone reason that this should be kept public is to correct our
understanding of what JSF is really about. ;)
With the talks of JSF and it's UI/Action like capabilities it is no wonder
that we think of it as a possible alternative to Struts. To use it with
Struts seems to me as saying that you are using only part of the
functionality of JSF. Just like your using part of the functionality of
Struts if you use JSTL instead of Bean/Logic tags currently. While it is
probably a better solution than the Bean/Logic tags, JSTL is still just and
alternative to the integrated Struts Bean/Logic functionality.


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 2:41 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: JavaServer Faces

Chen, Gin wrote:

>Since JSF is *supposed* to replace Struts, so to speak,

This statement is *not* a correct understanding of what is happening!  
Anyone who claims that doesn't get it.

You should absolutely, positively plan on evaluating the use of 
JavaServer Faces components instead of the Struts HTML tags, and the 
JSTL tags instead of the corresponding bean and logic tags.  Besides 
being standadized (which means, for example, that you can import and use 
*anyone's* JavaServer Faces tags, not be stuck with ones that are 
provided only by Struts), they are more powerful and more functional -- 
and they work fine in conjunction with Struts based applications.

That has nothing to do with whether or not you need the other features 
of Struts (the core controller mechanisms, plugins, Tiles, Validator, 
...) -- which can be used just fine with JavaServer Faces components as 
well.  There is a functionality overlap in the core controller role, and 
for some people JavaServer Faces will be sufficient by itself.  But it's 
our job as Struts developers to ensure that the gap continues to exist 
and increases; there's a lot of things required to build good web apps 
that are not UI components or tags, and are therefore outside the scope 
of JavaServer Faces and JSTL.

Craig McClanahan

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