It's kind of a catch .22, I use struts on projects that make money for me. If someone started taking my projects and replicating them for free, I would probably have a problem with it :) Although in this case, MS did not have a Struts to begin with. is sweet, but only because the development environent makes it sweet. If we can get the same RAD functionality out of Eclipse w/ JSF and perhaps Flex, then we'll really be cooking.

Although Struts is a wonderful thing, I still look at web development with J2EE as a bit of a tedious thing. Well, actually now that I have a pretty robust taglib built, not so tedious, but still, I'm not dragging and dropping html form controls (or struts-html.tld taglib controls) to a designer screen, linking code and compiling. I have to do it all by hand :( Let's hope Eclipse VE adopts a JSF designer!

Craig W. Tataryn

From: "Frans Thamura, Intercitra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: .NET: We are just like Struts... only better.
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 23:57:08 -0500

I think this article will explain that Microsoft is not support Open Source community, M$ only support people that want to support money, :)

Our War Money Chest is bigger than all of you all the Java guys (including the Open Source).

[EMAIL PROTECTED] how can M$ have that money?

So, this mean we all must wake up, :) to make our product more user friendly, and make everyone can learn it, update it, and make it perfect. is a product based, Struts is a spiritual lovely project. They cannot compare it.

But if can be compare with MVC not with Struts. :) sad to hear that if we port Struts to .NET, Microsoft wont support it, because they said, we include it in already.

What do you think?


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