On 05/25/2009 11:51 AM, Walter Bender wrote:
> Tomeu was quicker in his response than me...
> As Simon said, the current plan for *both* the XO-1 and the XO-1.5 in
> regard to Sugar support is to build upon the work that OLPC and the
> Fedora communities are doing towards getting a stock Fedora
> distribution running on the hardware. Sugar would be packaged on top
> of that. The current expectation is that this would happen in the F12
> time frame, coincident with the planned Sugar 0.86 release. As far as
> porting Sugar 0.84 natively to the XO-1 hardware, this would require a
> fair amount of work--beyond simply copying the Sugar files. I am
> unaware of anyone working on that port. An interim solution is to run
> Sugar on a Stick. Alternatively, DSD and the Paraguay team have done a
> nice job of repackaging OLPC's 802 build to include some of the
> improvements from Sugar 0.84.
> regards.
> -walter

As Tomeu and Walter said - copying 0.84 over 0.82 won't work. There are 
some dependencies (xulrunner/hulahop, abiword, evince...) - and of 
course - the kernel - the hardware support for the XO. There are efforts 
from Chris Ball and the Fedora-Olpc working group 
(fedora-olpc-l...@redhat.com). Please refer to their work to know the 
current status.

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