My question is whether or not it would be acceptable to actually label each scale "Standard Time" or "Daylight Saving Time" so that casual observers would be able to tell which one to use for the appropriate time of the year.

My 'tuppence' worth, which doesn't precisely meet Jim's need, is a 'Lelievre Dial' which I made last year. I modified Steve's brilliant DeltaCad code to add a 'Standard Time' scale on the inner edge and a 'Daylight Savings Time' on the outer. For simplicity's sake, all numbers were Roman. Because the Lelievre dial incorporates both the EoT and Longitude correction into the dial face, the labels in this case are correct. (I can send a .pdf (c. 300k) of the dial to anyone who's interested).


Peter Mayer                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Politics Department         |
University of Adelaide      | 'phone:+61.8 8303 5606/5610
Adelaide, SA 5005           | FAX: (+61.8) 8303 3446
AUSTRALIA                   |

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