Ed Mullen wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Jens Hatlak wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Smiles wrote:
I had three address books if I copy them to my profile in SM.1.13
SeaMonkey pick them up directly or do I have to edit a file

Click Bookmarks, select Manage Bookmarks and then, in the Bookmark
Manager select File and Open Bookmarks File.

Bookmarks have nothing to do with the Address Book! ;-)



This always confuses me...Do address books contain Bookmarked Addresses
or personal e-mail addresses??....Get caught almost every time!!

Thanks Jens.

A "bookmark" is a URL to a (typically) Web page. Stored in the
bookmarks.html file or the SQLite equivalent in SM2.

An email address is, well, an email address. Personal or not. They are
stored in the various .mab address book files.

There are multiple ways to save bookmarks and email addresses into those
locations. But, they are different and have nothing to do with one

In SM there is a "Status Bar" in the bottom lower-left of the SM window.
There are various icons there. The last one opens the Address Book.

On the Menu Bar at the top of the browser window is an item called
"Bookmarks." Click it and explore. And open Help and enter "bookmarks"
in the search pane and read.

Thanks for that, Ed. My question was, more or less, rhetorical!

Well, I knew that! :-) But, then I thought: Hmm. Suppose someone else is
out there reading this who actually is confused by this discussion? :-D

O.K. We can both blame the other guy/gal for not speaking up then!

(using his sister's computer)
(Test driving SM 2.x)
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