John W. Barron wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:
On 01/05/09 13:23, John W. Barron wrote:
Chris Garriss wrote:
On 05.01.2009 15:35  John W. Barron spoke thusly:

I maintain a simple web page. Recently, in making changes to the *.htm files using Notepad, the changes are not visible when the page is loaded using Seamonkey, but has been made when the program is run in Intternet Explorer. I have clicked reload numberous times, deleted cookies, etc.
 Yet, Seamonkey continues to load the previous version, even when
program is restarted or rebooted.

John W. Barron
Did you clear the cache so you were certain SM was loading a fresh copy?
Unless there is a secret way to clear the cache that I don't know about, I believe I did reaload several times.

Reload does not clear the cache.

However, I think if you use Ctrl + Reload (hold the Control key down while clicking the Reload button) it will ignore the cache when getting the page.
You may want to try that first.

How do I clear the cache?

See Edit -> Preferences, then Advanced, then Cache. There is a 'Clear Cache'
button there.
Thanks for the help.  I will try it all.
Ctrl. Reload seems to work! Thanks again.
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