Ray_Net wrote:
Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:
Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Could some one explain what happen when we clink on the link initiating the action -> news://news.scarlet.be/scarlet.be.general?list-ids ? Is it an action asked for the news server giving an updated list to SM ?

 >>> ........................

Normally, on my newsserver "news.scarlet.be" ... i got expired articles.
When i click on the furnished link, let's say:
news://news.scarlet.be/alt.rec.humor?list-ids ?
the list is re-newed and the expired articles are removed and SM shows only "current" articles. Therefore we cannot "try to view those previously viewed postings" because they have dissappeared - This is, in my point of view, a normal situation.

But for a specific group "scarlet.be.general" when i click on the link:
news://news.scarlet.be/scarlet.be.general?list-ids ?
the list is *not* re-newed and the expired articles are *not* removed and SM shows the same list of articles as shown before the click.

My question is:
The click on the link provided is managed by SM *only* or by *both* (SM and the newsserver) ?

If it is by both ... i will deduce that my problem came from the newssever of my ISP.

the list of which postings you viewed and which ones you haven't is kept by SM. The removal is kept by the server. When you remove, the server is updating the list for SM.

O.k. Let me pose the problem in a different way :-)
How does the action and result of news://server/newsgroup?list-ids
differ from the action of deleting newsgroup.msf and then selecting
newsgroup from/on the newsgroup pane?
Which files on the news reading client are affected by each of the

when you remove the .msf file, then you're basically starting all over. You've sort of removed the list

I have just tested removing the .msf file.
The result is that i retrieved old posting that i had removed after modifying the "retention policy" - So now i am faced with more "removed article" containing the link news://news.scarlet.be/scarlet.be.general?list-ids ?

I have now another impossible situation:
if i pass from news.scarlet.be to news.mozilla.org then back to news.scarlet.be - All posts dissapear. I should stop SM, remove the .msf file - start SM go to news.scarlet.be/scarlet.be.general - all posts are there evenwhile the "removed" ones but passing from news.scarlet.be to news.mozilla.org then back to news.scarlet.be - All posts dissapeared again.
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