John Boyle wrote:

To Peter Potamus: This string struck a memory chord: At one time I was
trying to find out how to get rid of a particular pair of Local Folders,
not the whole thing. I never succeeded in finding the file folder
mentioned as for some reason my lovely Win XP kept telling me there WAS
no such folder to edit or eliminate, so I gave up trying. The excess
Draft Folders are a nuisance, but the third Draft Folder is actually the
active one, and, rather than eliminate the wrong folder, I just ignore
the excess folders! So, I want to ask if there will be a way with the
new Seamonkey to eliminate those two folders, without eliminating the
third and usable one???? :-[

I doubt it!

*IMPORTANT*: Sorry folks, but I cannot provide email help!!!! Emails to me may become public

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