On 5/1/2009 12:38 PM, John wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 4/24/2009 11:26 AM, John wrote:
>>> The password manager in SeaMonkey doesn't always offer to save a 
>>> password, depending on the site being visited. I have noticed in 
>>> particular that it frequently won't save a password for a secure website 
>>> having an https://... address. And yet this is not always the case. It 
>>> will save the password for some secure sites. Is there any way to get it 
>>> to save the passwords for all sites? Thanks!
>>> John
>> I found that putting the following into the user.js file for my profile
>> significantly expands the scope of the Password Manager:
>>      user_pref("wallet.crypto", true);
>>      user_pref("wallet.crypto.autocompleteoverride", true);
>> Don't forget the semi-colon at the end of the line.  You must then
>> completely terminate SeaMonkey and then restart it for this to become
>> effective.
>> There will still be a few sites remaining where this doesn't work.
>> Also, nothing in SeaMonkey 1.1.x will help if the user ID and password
>> are entered in separate Web pages; I was told that the Password Manager
>> for SeaMonkey 2.x will indeed handle that situation.
> After adding these two lines to my user.js file, I now am getting a 
> popup "Change Master Password" (current password (not set)) every time I 
> login where a password is being stored. I want to understand this better 
> before I add a master password. I have never seen this popup before. Advice?
> John

Someone else will have to answer this.  I've never seen this.

David E. Ross

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