NoOp wrote:
Perhaps some of the SeaMonkey folks in power positions can put a little
pressure on to resize the "Our Projects" box to
ensure that SeaMonkey is present on *all* screensizes?

No. I'm part of the driving team, and it's not the intended purpose of the website to point to all Mozilla projects all the time.

I agree that it would be nice if SeaMonkey was featured prominently in all resolutions all the time, but after all, that's not what the site is for. It's a portal to everything Mozilla, and a home for official documents about the whole community - and SeaMonkey is only a small part of this community after all.

We are features well on the "Our Projects" page itself, and we appear on the front page if the screen is large enough (the first versions had us not even showing up at 1280px width, which I got them to correct as space could fit that easily) and when the user scrolls the projects with the arrows. That's the most we can do.

Robert Kaiser
support-seamonkey mailing list

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