On 10/23/09 16:09, Smiles wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 10/23/2009 02:23 PM, Ray_Net wrote:
>>> NoOp wrote:
>>>> On 10/23/2009 07:53 AM, Smiles wrote:
>>>>> good day
>>>>> I have had a problem with my computer so I stop deleting emails from my 
>>>>> pop server now the problem is fixed I did a test download from one of my 
>>>>> accounts but did not bring everything down just the new items than the 
>>>>> server deleted all items.
>>>>> On two accounts I must redownload everything
>>>>> How do I tell SeaMonkey to redownload everything?
>>>>> I have 200 emails that did not get written to seamonkey on the first 
>>>>> download due to problems
>>>>> Thanks
>>>> First check if the 200 emails are still on the server (via webmail etc).
>>>> If they are, then in SeaMonkey right-click the main account folder (the
>>>> one above 'Inbox') and select 'Get Messages for Account'. That _should_
>>>> go out and fetch all of the messages on the server.
>>> I have tested ... the mail that was previously downloaded and removed 
>>> locally, but still present on the server .....  will not download 
>>> anymore. Using your procedure, i can see a message saying that there are 
>>> no new message on the server.
>> There two other methods that you can try:
>> 1. Right-click on the Inbox folder, select 'Rebuild Summary File'.
>> If that doesn't work:
>> 2. Close SeaMonkey and delete (or better yet, rename) the inbox .msf
>> files, see:
>> http://seamonkey.ilias.ca/profilefaq/ for the location.
>> For you, it should be something like:
>> C:\Documents and Settings\%USERPROFILE%\Application
>> Data\Mozilla\Profiles\<profile name>\Mail
>> *Do Not* delete or rename any other files in the folder - *Only* the
>> .msf files.
> nice for someone else to test
> yes the email are still on server
> yes only new messages download
> yes I deleted the msf files
> checked for new messages non found non down loaded
> checked the folders which were rebuilt due to msf deleted
> will use webmail and check server for any settings
> thanks for your idea but still looking into problem

Does your web mail interface provide you a means to mark the messages
as Not Read? If so, mark them as Not Read then see if SeaMonkey will
download them.
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