Rufus skriver:
Stefan wrote:
Rufus skriver:

I also noted not long ago that setting sizes for the Navigation and
Personal Toolbars is a bit strange/non-intuitive - when it comes to
setting button size. I like large buttons in the Nav bar, and small ones
in the Personal bar...but the Customize option changes both - once you
change it. There is a dance you can do to get back to where I began, but
it seems you can't right-click and Customize either bar by itself - only
in the Nav bar...same core issue?

No, you should be able to right-click in the Personal Toolbar and set
the icon size for that toolbar (it won't affect your bookmark folders,
though). Try right-clicking close to the Home button.


That did work, thanks. It's just very hard to target an area that will
respond to the right-click so I must have stumbled around to what you
said at random previously. Seems to actually be a bit easier to find
your target with the old Modern Theme than the new Default...but I think
you've explained why.

Interesting that you get a different contextual menu depending on which
side of the separator you click on, but once you've seen it and know
what's what, it's clear.

And on trying that, I just discovered this: when I bring up the
Customize option, the Bookmarks Items folder appears in the Toolbar even
though I'd previously dragged it out - but then is not there once I
close Customize; like it's "hidden" vise removed. But the end result is
what I want(ed) displayed on exit - have you seen that? Again, this is
with the old Modern Theme.

No, I haven't seen that. If you can find a way to reproduce it (might want to try with a new profile etc), it's probably worth filing a bug.

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