Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-02-05 12:33 AM, Rufus wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-02-05 12:06 AM, Rufus wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-02-04 11:50 PM, Rufus wrote:
...funny you should say. I said something very similar about
"workarounds" requiring the user to fiddle around with about:config
pretty much got crapped all over by some members of the SM team.

Yes - I agree with you. A user should not have to do what I
describe if
there is a true desire on behalf of the product to provide an ability
for the user to be able to perform that function regularly - the
capability should be provided within the SM interface.

But you asked me IF and HOW I did it, not how I thought it should be

Yes, I had to ask you. It's not something you've ever suggested
without being asked.

Agreed. So I just gave a straight forward answer to a straight forward

Do you understand the point I was making?

No, actually. I did read the link asking about user work habits...which
made me wonder if you were looking for answers in that vein.

You said "your users are your best "user experience" people". Users communicate what is on their minds, not the workarounds they have gotten used to.

What's "on their mind" is their "experience". A forum like this is where people come primarily to solve problems they encounter...a lot of UI/UE information can be mined from such forums - IMO, the team should feel free to ask us users questions too, just as you did. If too many people are discussing work arounds (and I'd consider any suggestion to a user to fiddle with about:config as a workaround, for ex.), then maybe that's something that the team should pick up on and start thinking about a hard coded solution for.

Decisions have to be made, but people on the team shouldn't slap users down when they speak up - or they'll stop speaking, and the team ends up having to depend on a "UI/UE expert"...which only drives things back to the "single point" issue I spoke to earlier.

If there's actually a process for ranking and implementing user feedback, I'm not privy to it. I read discussion threads in bug reports, but there's no ranking process I can discern - it seems like someone can dig their heels in and say "I worked on it, I'm not changing it" even when others on the team agree that it should be changed - that's not much of a "team", IMO...volunteer or not. The small buttons issue is my best example of that, mostly because it's the only one I've been particularly involved or asked/invited to be involved with.

I know there's a SM roadmap (it's been mentioned), but I can't tell how or on what basis the team develops it other than basing it on what it may be "forced" to accommodate collaboratively.

     - Rufus
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