Dear Team SeaMonkey ...

Can you please explain ( to confused little me ) why there are so many
massive overhauls? Seems as though I've barely settled in nice and
comfy with the latest SeaMonkey version, that I'm hit with an "up-

Only it's never so simple. Add-On's no longer work, things are
out of commission ... it's as though I've moved to a new home, and
started a new job ... I'm left to find my way, unprepared, time and

The last two times SeaMonkey upgraded it's self ( I just now
reset the preferences).

I know you all are the most devoted developers on Earth, truly ... and
I bless the Heavens above for you each time SeaMonkey boots up ... I
so missed my Netscape ...
please do not take this as criticism, please, please, do not ...

I'm only curious.

I also have FireFox installed. FireFox doesn't seem to have as many up-
grades, or am I just oblivious? It has lots of nifty add-On's. But
it's a quirky little thing and I prefer my SeaMonkey.

My "Dream SeaMonkey" ( not that you asked ... but :o)  )
would be ... a stable core SeaMonkey, that NEVER changed,
whose up-grades were to allow it to work with new technology,
while still retaining ALL of it's old features, and still be able to
work with ALL of it's old add-On's, Themes and programs.

Because, basically, I hate change, and, I mourn the loss of some
favorite Add-Ons & Themes as well :o/

(INSERT: A nice "Sea" Themed look would be cool too, don't you think?
I'd make the
graphics ... if someone sends me the sizes and format )

Sorry this was so long winded, and once again, thank you "Team
SeaMonkey" for all your hard work and devotion to The Best Browser,
Composer & Email program.
( clap clap ... bravo! ... clap clap )
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