Jay Garcia:

>If!! The new splash screen performs actual functionality like in the old
>days of Netscape Navigator, etc. instead of just looking pretty then
>yes, I'm all for it. Otherwise I really don't need to be reminded by a
>splash screen what I'm loading -- :-) Of course it could be turned off
>in the prefs I would hope.

I do not need a splash because i already have some sort of. :-D

In my icewm i have an icon in its toolbar for SM. Clicking on that
immediately starts an xterm, so i am aware of SM trying to launch. It
may take some time until SM pops up if updatedb causes a high load.

That occurs frequently after the start of my machine on a news day, but
the next starts of SM, if any, take only 1-2 seconds.

The relevant command in my ~/.ivewm/toolbar is, all in one line:
prog SeaMonkey seamonkey16  xterm  -name affe -title affe -geometry
1800x1600+0+0 -e 'affe 2>&1 | tee run-log.txt'

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