On 1/28/12, Ray_Net <tbrraymond.schmit...@tbrscarlet.be> wrote:
> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>> MCBastos wrote:
>>> Also, many (many, many many...) websites have some sort of facebook
>>> thingie on their pages. It might be just the "like" button, it might be
>>> something more complex -- I know a few, for instance, that insert their
>>> Facebook stream sort of like a blog.
>> I investigated a page/site a couple weeks ago, where a poster
>> complained about Facebook.
>> I found that each page of the site called up a facebook.com JavaScript
>> file -- of a quarter-megabyte worth of code.
>> Yes, Facebook is intrusive!  Those "Like" buttons tell Facebook every
>> page you visit.
> Well well .... i have an account in FB, in Google+ and in Google Gmail.
> But i never see what the op said:
>  > I noticed two tool bar texts that upset me:
>  > Transferring data from Facebook
>  > Reading Google analytics.

Do you normally have javascript enabled?  Noscript?
It seems like most of the FB, Google, Linkedin, etc. bits requires
javascript.  Turning off or blocking JS cuts down on a lot of the
'related' info.

> But, this could happen when reading some sites ...

Indeed :)  Another addon worth looking at is request policy

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