On 1/29/12, Dustbin <dustbin_addr...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> Philipp van Hüllen wrote:
>> Beauregard T. Shagnasty schrieb:
>>> MCBastos wrote:
>>>> Also, many (many, many many...) websites have some sort of facebook
>>>> thingie on their pages. It might be just the "like" button, it might be
>>>> something more complex -- I know a few, for instance, that insert their
>>>> Facebook stream sort of like a blog.
>>> I investigated a page/site a couple weeks ago, where a poster complained
>>> about Facebook.
>>> I found that each page of the site called up a facebook.com JavaScript
>>> file -- of a quarter-megabyte worth of code.
>>> Yes, Facebook is intrusive! Those "Like" buttons tell Facebook every
>>> page you visit.
>> Yes, it's really disturbing - giving other hosters access to the IPs and
>> maybe referrers of your own visitors by linking static content from
>> other web sites was already considered interesting a few years ago.
>> Loading other people JS code, running that in your visitors browsers and
>> not really telling them... that was the point, when I installed NoScript.
> What I find problematic is the number of pages that will fail if you
> switch off JS.

Take a look at noscript

> You have no option with these people;

A few have already been mentioned in this thread.

>    you either let them use you or
> basically get off the net - since there will be little that you can do
> on the net without these perverts peeping all the time.

With an attitude like that you clearly don't want to use their
services, so just block them.
Start off with something along the lines of
http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.txt and add your own entries for
sites you don't want tracking you

Requestpolicy + noscript does the job for me, but it is a bit of a
pain for the first week or three configuring what sites are allowed &
it's more for people that might want to allow some of that instead of
completely blocking it.

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