Robert Traynor (BobT) wrote:
Jens Hatlak wrote:

Hi Jens,

I looked in the about:config and ended up comparing the same settings
between FireFox and Seamonkey, using the filter "services.sync.s".

What I found was two settings in Firefox were absent from Seamonkey.
One was the one you suggested and another.
They have been added to Seamonkey and settings (same as fireFox) are:-

services.sync.syncThreshold 300
services.sync.syncInterval 600000

I will try these over the next few days and report back if any problems

Robert Traynor (BobT).
3 February 2012 7:45

Thanks again Jens..

I can also report that I have compared the about:config settings of a SeaMonkey installed and up to date on another PC that I only rarely use.

The two entries I have recently added to SeaMonkey (main machine) are
present already.

That is these are already present:-
services.sync.syncThreshold   300
services.sync.syncInterval   600000

I am wondering why my main machine SeaMonkey was deficient in this area and am wondering how many other users have similar missing entries..? And would these and other missing entries be the reason a lot of users end up dumping SeaMonkey altogether..?

My main machine SeaMonkey has been merely updated for years whereas the rarely used machine is less than half that age. I can't recall the original install versions of SeaMonkey that each machine started out with, but there was a considerable difference in starting versions.

My next question is:-
Is there a plugin or any other method available to test, display or indicate settings that vary from the current standard of SeaMonkey about:config settings and values..?

Robert Traynor (BobT).
3 February 2012   9:40

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