Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
    I  guess I could blacklist and problem is there
might be some legit posting.

No, you should blacklist (filter out) Google Groups, the source of
nearly all Usenet spam. Real people use Gmail and Yahoo addresses, so
that is not a good idea.

How would you phrase in filter. I have two Use net servers I subscribe
to, that are plagued with this problem.

Filter on the Message ID contains googlegroups, and Mark Read or Delete
or whatever you choose.

I created one main filter and then duplicated that file into other server Accounts and other Profiles - even on other machines. Worked like a charm. Then once those were in place I did have to go and do a bit of editing specific to each server, but it saved me a *lot* of typing by doing the file duplication/moves.

     - Rufus
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