"Philip TAYLOR" <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk> wrote in message 
> Desiree wrote:
>>> So, aside from the crappy font and Mozilla's Persona team
>>> apparently not having much sense since they must not have tested it
>>> on Mozilla based browsers, can you see the signup button and does
>>> it work?
> Well, yes, I can see it (you can see that I can see it from the
> Picasaweb link that I sent you); whether it works or not I do
> not know -- I have neither wish nor need to sign up, so don't
> want to explore that route ...
> ** Phil.

It is late. Somehow, I completely missed your link in your first post. Duh. 
I have looked at your screenshot now. So, you have no problem seeing the 
signup button.

I wish I could figure out why I can't see that on Mozilla based browsers but 
can on IE and Opera. 

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